Day 18 Afternoon - Venice Wanderings

Let's get away from the Art Galleries and Museums for a while and just explore photos taken in the Venice. This is a collection of shots by Edith and myself, hopefully showing the character of this unique city.

With no land vehicles in the city, residents instead have to worry about where to park their boats.

This is a bit more narrow...

Unicorns appear to be lucky in Venice...

Food must be imported from other areas in Italy or caught in the ocean. These guys seem to have a corner on the vegetable market.

And fish markets are very popular.

There's some old buildings that look like they might be derelicts.

Another vivid shot from Edith looking down an alley.

The most common gull appears to be the Yellow-legged Gull, they are aptly named.

Gondolas are one of the main reasons many people visit Venice. This video tries to capture that.

Here's where Gondolas go when they're not in use.

Another Gull seen in Italy is the Black-headed Gull, also seen in the Maritimes in Canada. This is one of the few birds I have on both my World and North America life lists.

The water buses get quite full at certain times of the day.

This is one of the bigger water buses.

Many of the buildings in Venice (and other places in Italy) have art on the exterior.

This is one of the main cathedrals in Venice, the Santa Maria della Salute.

These statues are on top of one of the major Customs houses in Venice.

Our next stop was the Doge's Palace, the former seat of government when Venice was an independent City State.

Here's a few close-up views:

Nearby was an immature Gull, not sure of the species.

This is the antechamber of the Doge's Palace, I've tried stacking four shots together. First the ceiling:

Then the walls:

The entrance is quite spectacular:

These shots show the room of the Council of Tens, part of the ruling structure of Venice for many years.

Venice was a dangerous force as the following shots show.

These next shots show the Bridge of Sighs, a link between the Doge's Palace and a prison.

The cells did not look a good place to end up in.

Many a prisoner made their mark here.

On this note, we ended the day. We had one more day tomorrow and then it was back to Naples to fly home.

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